Stress Management Tool: How to Connect to your Intuition

Connecting with your intuition can bring clarity, confidence, and direction into your life. But for many of us, it can be challenging to access our intuitive abilities. In this blog post, I share a few of my favorite ways for you to try tapping into your intuition more regularly:

Grounding and Stress Management
Before accessing your intuition, it's essential to ground yourself and manage stress. You can do this by practicing mindfulness, breathwork, or tapping. Taking a moment to release your thoughts and emotions can help you focus and connect with your inner guide.

Intuition Cards
You can create your own intuition cards by writing 52 words on index cards, one word per card. Then, pick three cards and reflect on what they mean to you. This exercise can help you tap into your intuition and gain insights into your current situation.

Meditation and Sound Baths
Taking time for a longer meditation, breathing, and sitting quietly for 30 minutes can help you connect with your intuition. You can also try a sound bath or a journeying meditation to deepen your intuition practice.

Listening to Your Intuition
When you start taking steps in the direction of your intuition, it just feels right. But, sometimes, it can be challenging to distinguish between your intuition and other inner voices like fear, self-doubt, or anxiety. To help with this, find a practice to address your limiting beliefs and inner critic. Ignoring them will only make them louder and take up more energy.

In conclusion, connecting with your intuition is an ongoing journey that requires practice, patience, and self-awareness. By using these tips and exercises, you can start accessing your inner guide and gain insights into your life's direction. Remember to ground yourself, manage stress, and listen to your intuition to bring clarity and confidence into your life.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is a mindfulness coach, stress management consultant, and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.


Using Positive Affirmations and Mantras for High-Achievers


Stress management: Ground Yourself to Tap into Intuition