Using Positive Affirmations and Mantras for High-Achievers

Do you ever catch yourself thinking negatively or feeling anxious about certain situations? It's time to reprogram and rewire your mind with positive statements and mantras!

Whether you're using affirmations to build self-worth or setting a mantra for your meditation practice, these powerful statements can help you stay on track and focused. And, if you're not sure where to start, don't worry! We've got some tips and ideas to help you get started.

To begin, be aware of your current thought patterns. When are you speaking negatively to yourself? Slowly but surely practice speaking positive affirmations and mantras in those areas. For example, if you find yourself thinking negatively about your driving skills, change your words to "I'm a focused driver" or "I do my best when I'm driving." This simple shift in mindset can make a big difference in your reality.

Mantras can also be helpful for meditation and mindfulness practices. For instance, if your mind starts to wander during yoga class, having a mantra can help you refocus and stay grounded. When, I was feeling anxious about childbirth during my pregnancy, I created a YouTube playlist of pregnancy affirmations. By practicing these affirmations and pairing them with a routine of diffusing essential oils and listening to calming music, I was able to recreate this calming practice while in labor which helped me stay calm and confident.

Don't be afraid to seek out resources by Googling for for inspiration and guidance for your own affirmations! With practice and patience, positive affirmations and mantras can become powerful tools for rewiring your mind and reducing stress.

Not sure where to start? Try Episode 9.5 of the Awaken with Maria Podcast to hear my guidance with some affirmations.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is a mindfulness coach, stress management consultant, and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.


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