Ambitious women often get stuck in the busy chaotic mind. When we learn tools to calm the busy mind, we can connect back to an inner stillness, a knowing, and remember why you’re here.

Not Your Average Coach & Biz Mentor

Spiritual Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs

Ever feel like you were meant for more? But there is a stuckness.

You are a high achiever and you have plenty of achievement and accolades throughout the years. You are no stranger to hard work and you have a deep conviction to help others. It’s why you started your business. But you feel you’re nearing burnout, or you want to go deeper into unlocking your intuition and spiritual gifts to 10x your business without the burnout.

I support female entrepreneurs ready to bust into their next impact and income level moving through old subconscious limiting beliefs. You may notice issues around selling, making and maintaining an abundance of money, struggle with self worth even though on the outside you are SO CONFIDENT, or you have a block around tapping into your own intuition and psychic abilities. Working with Maria for spiritual coaching she will provide a powerful container to shift and transform.


  • Somatic Techniques & Intuition

    Nervous system regulation - resilience tools using somatic techniques and HeartMath science backed meditations & tools. Build your resilience tool kit for your nervous system to infuse calm into everyday life! When you calm your busy mind, you can tap into your own intuition and inner wisdom.

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

    Maria is a Certified Thetahealer ® through the Thetahealing Institute of Knowledge. Learn more on this transformational subconscious healing modality!

  • Akashic Records Soul Wisdom

    Maria’s 1 on 1 clients experience accelerated healing because we will inquire through a soul reading the blocks you need cleared/healed and can ask other questions of your Higher Self support your highest and best healing.

  • Past Life Healing

    Through hundreds of soul readings and her own journey, Maria supports you in releasing old beliefs, oaths, and contracts your soul made in past lifetimes - ready to be release so you can live out your purpose in this lifetime. Walk away feeling lighter and free to create a life you love and thriving business free of burnout and 4/7 grind.

What 1 on 1 Clients are Saying

  • “Maria is amazing. Worth every dime for the tools / systems you have helped me put in place to stop the overwhelm. She speaks in a way that a high functioning Type A person can follow along without "drifting off". Her techniques have really helped me observe my emotions and regulate my nervous system."

    Brianna Bucholz BB Benefit Group

  • “I was blown away at my first appointment with Maria. She is a pro, and her services are THE missing link in mental health therapy!"

    Katie Lamping - Nurture in Nature Therapy

  • "Maria is fantastic at what she does and I’ve learned so much more about naturally dealing with stress management through her!"

    Emily B.

  • "Thanks so much for all your support to get me through that super tough patch. Look forward to meeting again soon!"


  • Coaching with Maria helped me regain a connection with my body. Maria's approach is grounded in kindness, is reflective, and accessible. The tools I received working with Maria help me slow down and really listen to the feedback my body wants to give me. It makes my life more integrated between my mind, body, and spirit. I cannot thank Maria enough nor recommend enough for anyone looking to live a lighter life.

    Julie Brock Julie Brock Consulting

  • I am a busy body and live off of productivity so meditation is nightmare concept for me. Just a 1 hour session with Maria was life changing. After battling anxiety my whole life I finally feel empowered and so hopeful... also frustrated that I didn't learn all of this sooner! Thank you Maria for your work, I am overwhelmed with gratitude!

    Erica Ross Glamouross Goods

  • If you are feeling stuck, no matter how positive of mindset you hold, or how many affirmations and meditations you do, you keep living out the same life patterns this experience with Maria is for you! If you have been trying to bring about a new change in your life and you just feel energetically and universally blocked and stuck…then you must create space for an Akash + Thetahealing Experience with Maria. One hour has provided more healing, clearing, validation and forward movement than months of therapy, manifestations and meditations combined. It truly educated me on a soul level that we come in into this world with soul blockages or past traumas combined with generational thought patterns, processes and energy that have been handed down to us which hold such limiting and diminishing powers. Within 24 hours of my healing session I felt lighter, clearer and ready to manifest and bring in new energy, abundance, ease and prosperity into my professional and personal space. Within 48 hours I was already witnessing the busy work fall away and opportunities landing that I’ve been waiting to fall into place. Truly a must for any professionally driven career-oriented soul who is seeking a healthier easier and more abundant way to affect change and live out your soul purpose.

    Rebecca Sell

  • My Theta healing session with Maria was profound, and hard to put into words. I had an idea of one limiting belief that I sensed was holding me back, but no idea where it came from. Using my body as a pendulum to reveal what a yes or no in my body is, Maria accessed my Akashic records to allow my guides to communicate with her guides to reveal the origin of this belief, and everything the guides showed her resonated with me. She explored the "truth" of certain statements, by speaking them aloud as my body answered with a yes or a no. It was so shocking to see that my subconscious was holding onto things I had no conscious knowledge of! Then she asked the guides to heal the origins of this limiting belief and we checked again. I had shifted! And even though my mind doesn't understand how, I do feel changed. Lighter, freer and more connected. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a session with Maria- I highly recommend it!

    Devon Pipars

Discover how to unlock the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your wildest dreams!

“I’m ready to dive in!”