How I Discovered My Passion as a Resilience Coach & Consultant

Nearly a decade ago, I began listening to podcasts and found myself thinking about the possibility of having one myself. Fast forward to today, and I am the proud owner of a stress management resilience coaching and consulting business who has now started her own podcast!

As a Type-A perfectionist, I learned the hard way that success and happiness are not guaranteed simply by achieving my goals. Through my own struggles, I found the value of resilience, and now, I help other high achievers lead vibrant lives.

Growing up in Fairfax, Minnesota, I saw my mom's passion for nursing and thought I should pursue a career in healthcare as well. After trying optometry and realizing it wasn't for me, I landed on occupational therapy.

As I began my college career, life brought its own set of challenges, including more challenging coursework and figuring out how to set up good routines. As a perfectionist, I felt the pressure to have it all together, which led to some underlying anxiety.

These pressures, along with losing my cousin to brain cancer, being the victim of a burglary, and having panic attacks, led me to seek out help.

I began listening to podcasts and focused on taking care of myself by exercising and making healthier choices. I landed a job at the Mayo Clinic as an OT, thinking that was my ticket to happiness. However, I discovered that emotional struggles affect everyone, and resilience is key to overcoming them. This realization led me to start building my own resilience toolbox and finding a holistic OT mentor who helped me on my journey.

I learned that resilience is not just about bouncing back from difficult situations but also building a foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life.

My journey to becoming a resilience coach and consultant was not an easy one, but it has been a rewarding one. As a high achiever, I understand the pressure to have it all together and the anxiety that comes with it. However, I also know the value of resilience and the difference it can make in leading a vibrant life.

Whether you're a high achiever, a perfectionist, or simply looking to build resilience, remember that it's never too late to start building your toolbox.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is a mindfulness coach and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out Episode Two of the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.


Resiliency Tools & Tips: Weather Stress More Easily


Awaken with Maria Serbus: Finding Resilience and Joy in Life