Resiliency Tools & Tips: Weather Stress More Easily

In today's fast-paced world, stress is almost inevitable. No matter how much we try to avoid it, life always seems to throw challenges our way. That's where resilience tools come in. These tools can help you build resiliency and ride out the waves of everyday life.

In Episode 2 of the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast, I shared my transformation from an occupational therapist to a resilience coach. Today, I want to dive deeper into the resilience tools that I use, how I found them, and how you can find yours too.

First and foremost I want you to remember:

Your “stress storm” is subjective. This means something that might be a minor challenge to someone else could be a hurricane to you.

That's why it's essential to have your own set of emotional wellness, stress management, or resilience tools to help you weather the storms with ease.

I started my own journey of finding my own tools back in 2010 when I was having panic attacks and dealing with stress during my early college years. Unfortunately, my primary care physician at the time didn't have the knowledge or resources to guide me towards more effective tools at the time. That's when I decided to explore different tools and methods for managing my stress and anxiety.

I started with simple lifestyle changes such as healthier eating habits and exercise. These changes helped me to build healthier habits, make healthier lifestyle choices, and manage my stress, overwhelm, and anxiety.

However, I also realized that it was easy to get stuck in an "All or Nothing" mentality. For example, if I couldn't fit in a full workout, I might skip it altogether. That's why I had to expand my toolbox to include shorter, more manageable movement practices so I learned that physical movement is a tool for me, regardless of how long it is.

My journey led me to meet Emmy Vadnais, a holistic occupational therapist who specializes in stress management for healthcare professionals. She introduced me to mind-body tools such as mindfulness, massage, and chiropractic, which helped me manage stress and anxiety more effectively.

Since then I have incorporated regular chiropractic care, Reiki energy work, and work with an internal family systems (IFS) therapist. (More about this in Episode Four of the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.)

I also find the use of essential oils and crystals to be helpful in my mindfulness practice and in my everyday life.

In conclusion, finding the right resilience tools is an ongoing journey. Your tools may change depending on what's going on in your life, and that's okay.

It's crucial to embrace tools that help you shift and manage your stress. Whether it's exercise, mindfulness, or seeking professional help, there's no shame in reaching for tools to help you weather life's storms with ease.

Remember, you are no less strong if you need to reach for a tool!

BONUS: If you are ready to help calm your busy mind, you need to start with calming your body by using a system to manage emotions! Learn more about Maria’s self paced, ready now signature system here: Shift Transform Method.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is a mindfulness coach and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Episode Three of the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.


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