Three Quick Tips to move from Frenzy to Flow

Are you operating out of frenzy panic mode or a natural flow?

If you're a type A person with a lot on your plate, you might feel that frenzy mode is normal. But anxiety, an increased heart rate, sweat palms, tense shoulders, and an overwhelming feeling constantly are not normal.

On the opposite end of the Frenzy/Flow spectrum is heart coherence and finding your flow. Heart coherence is when your nervous system starts to shift into its more balanced aligned state. To shift to heart coherence, you need to tune into your body and check where you're at. You need to know how to notice when you're operating or have been operating out of this frantic frenzied state for too long or you just know like it's it's been too much, you can help shift your body back closer to a state of flow.

Here are some tips to help you switch from a frenzied state to a natural flow state:

Tip 1: Get enough sleep

You need to get enough sleep to start your day off on a better note. If your body is not getting adequate sleep, you are already starting your day off probably more irritable and more stressed.

Tip 2: Take intentional pauses

Take intentional pauses throughout the day. It doesn't mean you have to completely stop, but it does mean that you're going to put in an intentional pause a pivot such as adjusting your position, taking a breath, going for a walk, stepping outside, doing a mindfulness moment, or inhaling your peppermint.

Tip 3: Do check-ins with yourself

Check in with yourself during the day and the week. Be truly brutally honest with yourself. You don't want to be in that high stress state all the time. Shifting through different energy states throughout your day is normal, but you want to be in that just right spot where you feel slightly anxious but also excited, motivated, and alert.

Remember, you don't have to always be in that all-out frenzied panic mode or shut-down mode all the time. That is not healthy for anyone, and it wreaks havoc on your body when your body is dumping out that much stress hormone, and you're not doing anything to manage it. By practicing these tips, you’ll be able to easily find your flow or heart coherence when life feels stressful.

If you'd like to see a certain topic covered or you have questions, email me or connect with me on social media below!

As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is a mindfulness coach, stress management consultant, and keynote speaker in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Awaken with Maria Serbus podcast.


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