Discovering My Why: A Journey from Occupational Therapy to Resilience Coaching

🎙️ To her more about my story head to episode 2 of Unleash Your Potential with Maria podcast.

Introduction: People often ask me, "Why leave a secure healthcare job? Why transition from a blossoming occupational therapy career into the world of stress management and resilience coaching?" While my answer has many layers, I'm here to share the biggest reason why I made this transformation.

Finding Purpose Amidst Change: We all embark on this journey of life for a reason, a purpose. As seasons change, our dreams and aspirations evolve. It's our responsibility to seek what we love, find our purpose, and courageously respond to the call—even when it feels intimidating, unconventional, or outside our comfort zone.

Stuck in Unfulfilling Jobs: Too often, individuals remain trapped in jobs they despise or environments that drain their energy. When we lose sight of our purpose, our mental health can deteriorate. This is where my story begins to take shape, driven by two significant realizations.

Personal Struggles and Overcoming Challenges: Firstly, my journey towards resilience coaching stemmed from personal struggles. Despite outward appearances of success, I battled overwhelming stress, anxiety, and a sense of being out of alignment with my true self. These internal battles persisted, even when it seemed like I "had it all."

Observing a Common Theme: Secondly, during my eight years as an occupational therapist, I observed a recurring pattern. Many high-achieving individuals, often type A personalities, appeared to have their lives together, but beneath the surface, they grappled with hidden struggles—be it anxiety, stress, or a lingering sense of depression due to life being out of sync.

The Missing Piece: Working within the healthcare system, I noticed that our focus often revolved around treating surface-level symptoms, while the deeper work of helping individuals manage their stress, emotions, and cultivate resilience remained largely unaddressed.

Answering the Call: Driven by a genuine passion for this work and a desire to bridge the gap, I took a leap of faith and started my own business dedicated to stress management and resilience coaching. Every moment of this journey, even the challenging ones, fills me with a deep sense of fulfillment.

Conclusion: So, why did I transition from occupational therapy to resilience coaching? The answer is clear—it's about helping individuals navigate the complexities of life, rediscover their purpose, and build resilience in the face of adversity. If you resonate with this journey or have your own story to share, don't hesitate to connect with me below. I'm thrilled that you're here, and I look forward to joining you on your path toward a more resilient and purpose-driven life.

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As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is an embodiment coach for women in leadership, a stress management consultant, and a keynote speaker located in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Unleash your Potential with Maria podcast.


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