Get Unstuck and Tap into your Higher Self

Written Soul Purpose Reading

A written asynchronuos soul reading (chose below) does not come with a live call. Read each type to book which reading you’re most interested in. Scroll down for more about akashic records soul readings. I highly recommend if you’d like to go deeper on the information, to book a live call soul reading here.

Connecting with your Starseed Galactic Family Reading

When you book this asynchronous Akashic Records Starseed Family Reading Maria will respond within 3 business days with your information.

Upon purchasing, you give me permission to open your Akashic Records for sole purpose to complete this reading. I will in ceremony open and close your Akashic Records to receive this information so upon completion I will no longer have access to your Records.

UPON PURCHASE: You will receive the following information:

  1. The name of your Starseed family of origin:

  2. A meditation/audio to listen to connect to your galactic family to feel their warmth and support (may include a light language activiation to receive a message)

  3. Sacred geometrical shape channeled from your Records to continue to open up your intuitive and spiritual connection to your entire high vibrational light being team and a video on how to work with this shape.

  4. A recorded lesson on starseeds channeled from the Akashic Records.

If you’d like to go deeper, please book a 45 minute Akashic Records soul reading on my ‘Book with Me’ page.

Written Akashic Records Soul Purpose Reading (No Live Call)

When you book this Akashic Records Soul Purpose Reading, Maria will respond within 3 business days with your information.

  1. Clarity on an aspect of your soul purpose and mission in this incarnation and a step you can take to work toward your soul mission.

  2. A specific guide who would like to come forward to work with you (the guide’s name) including a meditation for you to connect with your guide.

  3. A sacred geometrical shape (and how to use video) to help you align to your soul mission and begin your evolution.

These 3 items will be delivered to you via PDF form accompanied with all the materials as listed above.

You will receive this response within 3 business days. Please watch for an email from If you don’t see it, check SPAM or email me after 3 business days.

Upon purchasing this reading you can expect that I will in ceremony open and close your Akashic Records to receive this information. If you’d like to go deeper, please book a 45 minute Akashic Records soul reading on my ‘Book with Me’ page.

What is a Soul reading in the Akashic Records?

When you purchase a written Soul reading (aka Akashic Record Reading) below, you will receive insight and guidance from your higher self and spirit guide team (your angels, spirit guides, higher self, Source).

Maria is an Akashic Records intuitive channeler and act as a messenger and conduit.

To learn more about a reading and what is the Akashic Records - read the FAQs below.

Please note the written asynchronous readings for purchase below do NOT come with a live call. You will receive the information in 3 business days and these are non-refundable. However if you’d like to do a live call soul reading - Book Here.

Soul Purpose Guidance

I love providing support, guidance, and clarity by tapping into YOUR akashic records. But here’s the truth: you don’t come to earth with ONE singular soul purpose and a 90 page written manual on HOW to live out your soul mission. That’s not how it works. Listen to this lesson from my Spirituality & Intuition Course to learn more. When you do a soul reading with me or request a soul purpose report, you will receive guidance on an ASPECT of your journey. It is NOT the WHOLE PICTURE, but just the piece you’re meant to receive NOW (or at the time of the reading.

Gain FULL access to this 10 video lesson Spirituality & Intuition Course to continue on your soul journey when you join the Awakened Souls Membership. Learn more.


  • “The Akashic Records is an energetic field of infinite possibilities that we can access to receive love, guidance, and support from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, also known as the Guardians of the Records.

    The moment your soul is incepted, everything is recorded in the Akash. You can think about it as an energetic library of your soul's experiences. We can go into that energetic library and receive guidance in all areas of our lives.”

    -from Amy Robeson, my Akashic Recors mentor

  • This is a written asynchronous reading. When you book a soul purpose reading, expect a report emailed to you within 3 business days including a video and series of activities to support your journey (read soul purpose description for more.) For the ‘ask 1 question’ reading, you will submit one question and receive an answer (intake form upon purchase to send me your question).

  • Not for a written asynchronous reading if purchased above.

    You don’t need to be present.

    In ceremony, I will open and close your Akashic Records with your consent (upon purchasing) to receive the answer.

    If you’d like a live virtual call soul reading, please go to the Book With Me page.

  • Absolutely not. I hold access to your Akashic records in high regard. I will only access your Akashic records WITH your permission which you give me upon purchase.

    In ceremony, I will open your Records to receive the information, and then close your Records immediately after.

  • Great question! Keep these questions open ended so you can receive clear guidance from your Higher Self and spirit guide team. Avoid yes/no questions which pidgeon hole you. Be specific. Ask what you REALLY want to know.

    View my questions guide here as you craft your question.

The Power of a Soul Reading


I love doing Akashic Records soul reading and transformative healing sessions. That said, my mission is greater than doing 1 off readings.. I want you to tap into YOUR intuition and spiritual gifts. When you learn to unlock and tune in to your own intuitive channel and intuition, your life becomes easier, you can manifest more quickly, and you can align deeply with your soul mission by reprogramming your subconscious mind and healing past life trauma.

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re curious about your soul purpose, you’re a mission driven women here for MORE, I highly recommend you check out my group healing container Higher Self Awakening. Tap back into your intuition, divine feminine and a rich sisterhood with other women doing the same!

Go deeper, Unlock your Higher Self

About Maria Serbus

Psychic Medium, Intuitive, Spiritual Coach & Business Mentor

Maria is a psychic medium, intuitive, and spiritual coach & healer trained in many modalities who specializes with working with female entrepreneurs and high achieving ambitious women. Learn more here.

Maria obtained her certification as an Akashic Records Intuitive Reader from the certification program by Amy Robeson.