How to Apply & Actually Use Your Resilience Tools for Women in Leadership

🎙️ This blog post is inspired by the Unleash your Potential podcast.

In today’s blog we discuss:  "How to Apply Resilience Tools," with podcast host Maria Serbus as she delves into the importance of integrating mind-body practices and explores her personal journey towards applying these tools in her own life. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the key takeaways from this episode and provide actionable steps for women in leadership to start applying resilience tools in their daily lives.

Embracing Mind-Body Practices:

Maria acknowledges that as great learners, women in leadership often absorb a lot of information but struggle with implementing it. She encourages readers to explore various mind-body practices such as yoga, meditation, and setting up a dedicated space for self-reflection. These practices can help manage stress and overwhelm in everyday life.

      Actionable Step: Set aside dedicated time each day to engage in a mind-body practice that resonates with you. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for your unique needs.

Overcoming Distractions:

Maria highlights how distractions become a coping mechanism for avoiding stress and overwhelm. Instead of addressing their feelings, many individuals turn to social media or start new projects as a way to escape. However, she emphasizes the importance of facing these emotions head-on instead of merely seeking distractions.

       Actionable Step: Reflect on your own default distractions and develop alternative coping mechanisms to deal with stress and overwhelm constructively. Consider journaling, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in a hobby that brings you joy.

Cultivating Accountability and Support:

Maria emphasizes the value of accountability, support, and community in the process of integrating and applying resilience tools. She shares her upcoming membership program, which offers access to master classes, live calls, and a community of like-minded individuals.

      Actionable Step: Seek out a coach, mentor, or supportive community where you can share your journey and receive feedback and encouragement. Engaging with others who have similar goals can foster growth and provide the necessary support on your path to applying resilience tools effectively.

Continuously Evolving:

Maria highlights the importance of remaining coachable as a leader. Recognizing that life is constantly changing and presenting new challenges, she emphasizes the need to stay open to new tools and perspectives. This mindset promotes personal growth and allows for the integration of fresh ideas and strategies.

Actionable Step: Be receptive to new information and perspectives. Engage in professional development opportunities, seek out different healing modalities, and surround yourself with diverse perspectives to continuously expand your knowledge and understanding.

Embrace Mind-Body Practices

As a woman in leadership, applying resilience tools is crucial in managing stress and finding balance in your daily life. By embracing mind-body practices, overcoming distractions, cultivating accountability and support, and remaining open to growth, you can navigate challenges with resilience and unlock your full potential. 

Remember, it's a journey, and it's never too late to start applying these tools and reaping their benefits.

Are you ready to unleash your potential and apply resilience tools to enhance your leadership journey? Head to: to learn the latest offerings!

🔑KEY TIP: Remember, resilience is not about avoiding challenges but rather about developing the tools and mindset to navigate them with confidence and grace. Start applying these resilience tools today and discover the transformative power they bring to your personal and professional life as a woman in leadership.

👉🏽To learn more listen to this episode on Spotify! Episode 30 of the Unleash Your Potential Podcast.

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As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is an embodiment coach for women in leadership, a stress management consultant, and a keynote speaker located in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Unleash your Potential with Maria podcast.


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