Unleashing Your Intuition: A Powerful Tool for Women in Leadership

🎙️ This blog post is inspired by the Unleash your Potential podcast.

In today's blog post, we discuss the fast-paced and competitive world, where women in leadership face unique challenges. However, tapping into their intuition can be a game-changer, empowering them to make confident decisions, develop stronger connections, and lead with authenticity. In this blog post, we delve into the enlightening conversation between Maria Serbus and Terri Allred on the "Awaken with Maria Serbus" podcast. Join us as we explore the profound insights and practical tips shared by Terri, a renowned expert in intuition and women's empowerment.

1. Understanding Intuition: Going Beyond Preconceptions

Terri and Maria debunk common myths about intuition, emphasizing that it is not limited to vivid visualizations or prophetic dreams. Instead, intuition often manifests as a subtle inner knowing or a gentle nudge. By recognizing the varied forms intuition can take, women in leadership can cultivate a deeper sense of self-trust and differentiate it from anxiety.

2. Connecting with the External EnvironmentTerri highlights the importance of being in tune with one's external environment, which includes people, animals, and nature. While this does not necessarily equate to animism or belief in spiritual oneness, becoming more empathic and intuitive can be compatible with any religious or spiritual framework.

3. Intuition and Personal Beliefs

In this thought-provoking discussion, Terri emphasizes that intuition can be referred to by various names such as the soul, unconscious, holy spirit, or manifestation of the divine. Regardless of the specific belief system, the focus is on nurturing one's inner knowing and fostering a meaningful connection to the self.

4. Unleashing Intuition as a Path to Self-Care and Self-Unfoldment

Terri and Maria stress how intuition is not only a tool for decision-making but a catalyst for self-care, self-understanding, and self-compassion. By embracing their intuition, women in leadership can develop unwavering confidence and reconnect with their true identities, free from the expectations and definitions imposed by others.

5. The Role of Intuition in Building Trust and Grounded Leadership

Terri shares her personal journey, growing up attuned to the emotional needs of others and mastering the art of reading energy. By honing their intuitive abilities through various experiences, women in leadership can develop a profound capacity to read a room, detect lies, and navigate complex interpersonal dynamics.

6. Normalizing Intuition and Embracing Individuality

Terri and Maria express the importance of destigmatizing intuition and normalizing conversations around it. Women often feel alienated or hesitant to explore their intuitive gifts, particularly if they were not raised in environments that openly discussed these topics. By embracing intuition, women in leadership can unleash their true potential and embrace their unique abilities with excitement and confidence.

7. Exploring Movement and Energy

Terri shares her personal experience with belly dancing, revealing how it became a powerful healing tool for her depression and traumatic brain injury. She also highlights her journey as a Reiki master practitioner and how energy healing seamlessly integrates with her understanding of intuition.


The interview between Maria Serbus and Terri Allred sheds light on the profound impact of intuition for women in leadership positions. By recognizing and nurturing their intuitive abilities, women can unlock transformative leadership skills, grounded decision-making, and self-empowerment. We encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode on "Awaken with Maria Serbus" to embark on your own journey of intuition and embrace the limitless possibilities it holds.

Remember, intuition is not a mysterious and elusive concept—it is a practical and accessible tool that can enhance your leadership journey. Trust yourself, lead with authenticity, and unleash the power of intuition to create a more impactful and fulfilling leadership experience.

Be sure to subscribe to the "Awaken with Maria Serbus" podcast for inspiring conversations and valuable insights on personal growth, empowerment, and embracing your true potential.

👉🏽To learn more listen to this episode on Spotify! Episode 32 of the Unleash Your Potential

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As a mom and self-proclaimed high-achieving entrepreneur herself, Maria Serbus is an embodiment coach for women in leadership, a stress management consultant, and a keynote speaker located in southeastern Minnesota.

To learn more, check out the Unleash your Potential with Maria podcast.


Unleash Your Potential: Women in Leadership and the Power of Strengths


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